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Four-week Plan for My Intervention

My research question: How can Chinese tattoo collectors update their perspectives in terms of the gentrification of the tattoo industry?

Tattooing is a tool. In the context of the gentrification of the tattoo industry, a tattoo could be an artefact co-created by the tattoo artist and the tattoo collector. Artists create their artefact based on feelings and emotions affected by their clients. Tattoo collectors are both the collaborators and the artefacts in this activity.

My intervention is an information platform. And I would use two stakeholder groups to test the result of my intervention. I want to use this intervention to update the Chinese tattoo collector’s perspective from a consumer to a collaborator in the creative practice.

Stakeholder: Chinese tattoo collectors

Stakeholder group one: three previous clients in Shanghai (collaborated)

Stakeholder group two: three strangers from the internet (never collaborated before).


This week, I have contacted two clients of mine with tattoo ideas and invited them to be a part of my intervention. Please find the audio evidence in the links below.

The intervention would be four steps:


Debrief stakeholders' initial requirements. What/Why/Where/Size about their tattoo ideas.


First-round concept design.


Prepare research materials which I suppose will enhance the opportunity to make stakeholders more engaging in the creative practice.

For example, 'singularity' and 'serendipity' are the main components from the brief of stakeholder A. Those are her expectations of herself and also marked as her current life status. She mentioned that she couldn’t imagine something other than literally those two words to describe the meaning. But she might feel more exclusive if I use drawing to represent her description.

My first-round concept design (Fig 1. & Fig 2.) was a bit hard for her to understand (from her feedback). And react to that, I would choose a contemporary art style and prepare a research material to guide her understand the concept, and prepare a second design “heavily influenced” by that style to test her reaction.


Collect and analysis stakeholders' feedback in terms of the differences with and without the learning process in tattoo practices.

Fig 1. First-round concept design: "Singularity"

Fig 2. First-round concept design: "Singularity and Serendipity"


Four-week plan for my intervention

The general plan in the left is the overarching plan for this intervention. I would update the schedule weekly regarding the iteration of the intervention.

Fig 3. Four-week plan in Unit 3

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