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Iteration Of The Questions (Ongoing)

Questions in this post are the questions I have asked or have been asking during research in MA Applied Imagination in Creative Industry.

The questions in this post are not necessarily the research question that I purposed on previous presentations, but also the random questions that I have asked, or that I have been asked by someone else to help me generate my ultimate research question.


3rd April

Research Question:

  • How can tattooists helping and supporting people to enhance their well-being?

14th April

Interview Questions (Audiences):

  • What’re the influences brought to you by your tattoos?

  • Do you think reflective practice is necessary before tattooing?

  • How necessary for the tattoo artist to provide such kind of guidance?

20th April

Research Question:

  • How to systematically modify the decision-making stage of tattooing to achieve sustainable inner peace?

4th May

Jasminka Tutorial Group:

  • What're the different layers of tattooing in terms of art criticism?

5th May

Draft WWHI Research Proposal:

  • How to use tattooing as a tool to enhance psychological well-being for people who intend to have a tattoo but not yet know what they want?

11th May

Reflection Questions:

  • Why people get tattoos? (2020)

  • What is psychological well-being?

  • What does a tattoo brings to people?

  • What's everyone's decision-making process?

14th May

WWHI Research Proposal:

  • How to mentally prepare for the permanent mark on your body?

18th May

David Tutorial Group:

  • What's my definition of the right choice?

  • How does a tattoo make you a better version of yourself? (A missing step from 1 to 2, where is the testing and analysis)

  • I believe that people should use tattooing as a tool for reflecting, but how many people want to reflect themselves?

  • How to make it playful?

  • Am I a spiritual person?

  • Am I asking this question because I feel responsible for people might feel regret about their tattoo decisions?

  • Am I asking myself too much?

  • Again, who is my audience?

  • Why do I care about this?

  • What's the connection between my research and myself?

  • What do I want from this process?

21st May

Interview Question to Maxime Plescia-Buchi:

  • Do you think tattoo artists have the responsibility to guide their clients about how to mentally prepare for a tattoo decision? (In summary, the tattoo world never bothered to make itself more acceptable or official!!!)

  • Do you think by introducing the tattoo history and culture background could help mainstream understand tattooing?

  • Could you give me some advice in terms of tattoo heritage and tradition from your perspective?

  • What do you think of my works? (I showed him my ink gallery. Lol)

24th May

Reflection of the Questionnaire:

  • People want to learn more about tattoo culture and history, how could I share the information that I learned with them in a playful way?

28th May

Introspection, restart the process, random thoughts.

  • What do I care? (Self-improvement/Tattooing)

  • What do I want to do? (I want to learn more about tattooing, inside out, and share that knowledge and my understanding of tattooing with my friends/clients and make more interesting works.)

  • What's the change I want to see???

  • How to learn faster?

  • How to avoid procrastinate?

  • How to make ideas happen? (read Making Ideas Happen)

  • How to share information effectively with people I care?

  • How to make the tattoo decision-making process more playful and enlightening?

30th May

Try to formulate the question.

  • How can the occidental mainstreaminization of tattoo industry affect Chinese tattoo market?

7th June

  • Should I separate tattooing as a subcultural pheromone and tattooist?

  • Except tattooing, what tattooists could do in turns of the changing society?

  • How can mainstream Chinese tattooists updating tattoo perspectives from traditional to modern and learn from the ‘tattoo renaissances’ of the western?

3rd July

  • How can globalisation and culture exchange affect tattooists and tattoo collectors?

11th July

  • How can mainstream Chinese tattooists and collectors update tattoo perspectives by discussing tattoo philosophy and learning from the western tattoo industry?

19th July

  • How can Chinese tattoo collectors be influenced by displaying of different artistic approaches and discussing of tattoo philosophies?

1st September

  • How can the Chinese tattoo market be influenced by the western tattoo industry in terms of ideology and design philosophy?

6th October

  • How can the Chinese tattoo community update their perspectives regarding the gentrification of the tattoo industry?

24th October

  • How can I continue the stories after tattooing and share the power behind tattoo with people?

16th November

  • How can the tattoo practitioners encourage conscious tattoo to create a positive impact on the overseas Chinese netizens, who are seeking for tattoo inspirations?

21st November

  • How can the wisdom behind tattoos be transformed between generations in order to enhance mental well-being among younger Chinese tattoo collectors?

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Critical Incidents: Phase One to Phase Two: Interview with Maxime Plescia-Buchi:


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