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Research Diary: Quarantine Week Two

This is the second week of the spring break, also, the quarantine. It’s not the spring in London as anyone expected.

I found a great book, Under The Skin, A Psychoanalytic Study of Body Modification by Alessandra Lemma. It’s a profound book in the perspective of a psychoanalyst. It revealed the underlying logics of tattooing. I didn't finish reading yet, but as a tattooist myself, I humbly felt we need to reevaluate some of the analysis. It’s 2020 and the book was written by 2010. Society's tolerance for tattooing had been changed magnificently, which will certainly affect the psychological drive behind tattooing. It seems fewer differences between people with or without tattoos.

I plan to summarise my research and draft some questions about the current circumstances of the tattoo industry.

Reflection on this week. Time management is essential, especially in a time with so many heartbreaking news every day. It seems that you have all the time in the world but how much work have you done in reality?

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