This research aims to develop tools to help people enhance psychological well-being through acquiring new tattoos/reflecting on existing tattoos.
As dragons pointed out in my last presentation, the tattooed community is stupendous refer to different cultural backgrounds/age groups etc. I narrowed down my target audiences as listed below:
Interested in creating their own identity. (no drawing skill required)
Welling to get in touch with their spiritual selves.
Respect tattooing as a way to identify themselves
Age/gender/cultural background could be summarized in research reports to archive data. But I don't think it's fair to tag people with their age/gender/cultural backgrounds when they trying to enhance well-being or pursuing art, create self-identities.
Regarding the researches I've done in the previous project (The Change I Want to See), the reasons as listed below:
Skin is non-recyclable.
Body modification connected with deeper psychological requirements.
Lack of guidance about how to prepare it psychologically.