Jinnan Xie double-majored in art-and-design and horticulture during her bachelor's. After graduation, she became a landscape architect. During her time in ASPECT Studios, she found working with colleges from multiple professional backgrounds and cultures promoted more well-rounded creative ideas. As clashes in concepts opened new discussions.
Jinnan started tattooing in 2016, using Yichun as her ink name. Although a large change from landscape architect where Jinnan tattooed the earth, tattooing humans has similarities through its permanence and conveyance of meaning.
Having customers from all sectors of society around the world. New stories and culture weave threads of ideas. This accumulation of creative energy has been a source of interest and further research.
After graduating from 'MA Applied Imagination in Creative Industry' in Central Saint Martins (UAL) in 2020, she is currently in Shanghai, keep exploring the world through tattooing.