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Tattooed, So What?

21st Mar 2020

My research this week was focused on the general statistics of the tattooed community and the psychology studies in this area.

There are several studies suggested that tattooed individuals have stronger personality traits on ‘sensation seeking’ and ‘need for uniqueness’, being rebellious and more extroverted than non-tattooed individuals (Viren Swami, 2012, Personality Differences Tattooed and Non-Tattooed Individuals; Statista, 2016). Statistics showed that tattooing is even more popular over the last few years. In 2018, there were 48% Italians, 46% of Americans and 40% of British people had at least one tattoo (Dalia, n=9054 internet users in 18 countries, 2018). Tattooing already went from subculture to pop culture, but it seems that it is no longer a mark for life to many people. According to Chris Bull, the marketing director at Sk:n, demand for laser tattoo removal has increased significantly over the past five years. In a survey of Sk:n clients, 14% said they were getting tattoos removed to replace them with others, while 61% said it was because they simply did not like them any more (Frances Perraudin, 2018, How Tattoos Went from Subculture to Pop Culture).

The attitude toward tattooing has been changed. More people tend to be more relaxed when they get tattoos. Getting tattoos are considered as part of fashion in the current days but do this means that there is a certain group of people getting tattoos only because they want to 'keep up with fashion trend'? How 'unique' does this sounds like!

Economically, the tattoo industry is benefited by this trend, but the core of tattooing as a lifelong commitment has been certainly underestimated.

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