Q7 is different in those two questionnaire versions to apply to different contexts.
The questionnaire list might be adjusted after more secondary researches.
Questionnaire to the western tattooists:
1. What’s your first impression of tattooing? When was that?
2. What’s your current understanding of tattooing?
3. What makes you changed your understanding of tattooing?
4. How to differentiate a traditional tattoo artist and a modern tattoo artist?
a. By style
b. By their understanding of tattooing
5. Do you identify yourself as a traditional tattoo artist or a modern tattoo artist?
a. Traditional
b. Modern
c. A bit of both
d. Other (please be specific)
6. Do you want to learn more from the traditional/modern side of the tattoo industry? And why is that?
7. Do you like the gentrification of the tattoo industry?
a. Yes
b. No
c. I don’t care
8. In your opinion, how does the gentrification of tattooing going to affect society?
Questionnaire to the Chinese tattooists:
1. What’s your first impression of tattooing? When was that?
2. What’s your current understanding of tattooing?
3. What makes you changed your understanding of tattooing?
4. How to differentiate a traditional tattoo artist and a modern tattoo artist?
a. By style
b. By their understanding of tattooing
5. Do you identify yourself as a traditional tattoo artist or a modern tattoo artist?
a. Traditional
b. Modern
c. A bit of both
d. Other (please be specific)
6. Do you want to learn more from the traditional/modern side of the tattoo industry? And why is that?
7. Do you think the censor policy will affect the gentrification of the tattoo industry in China?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Other (please be specific)
8. In your opinion, how does the gentrification of tattooing going to affect society?